For my sound collage I choose to put together a combination of sound files that reminded me of all the times I've been out hiking in the woods with my dogs. I started out the audio file as the sounds you would hear walking through the woods, the birds chirping, foot steps, leaves crunching under your feet, dog panting, dogs running through the bushes. One thing that I wanted to be strict about was that the sounds be void of human talking. I did incorporate a whistle, to tie in that relationship of dog and owner. I also think the whistle helps people relate the dog like sounds as being friendly since the person is obviously calling to the dog. If you have ever been out in the middle of the woods by yourself, just you a dog and the animals around you, its very peaceful and relaxing. I wanted to really get that feeling across. To drive that home I included light music as a way to try and relate the sounds of nature to music.
To make the sounds available to you I created a movie file where you listen and just look at this one picture. Enjoy.
I am including a longer version, which I made first but edited to fit in the time we were assigned.
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